Tuesday, December 11, 2007

SFSSUP Progress #3

Please do one final report on your contributions to your group's SF Slide Show Update Project. You should include everything you have done since you last reported (you might need to go back and read your previous comment to remind yourself what you already said). If you never have done a progress report, then you need to explain everything you have done since the project began. I would expect this report to include what you contributed to actually producing the presentation.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Planet of the Apes

If you would like to add to your class discussion of the film Planet of the Apes, you can post a review of the movie here. You should address at least three of the criteria we discussed for reviewing movies (see the Forbidden Planet post for the list).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

SFSSUP Progress Report #2

Please report on the progress you have made on the SF Slide Show Update Project since your last report (September 26). Again, identify the "job" you are doing, and tell about some of the specific information you have gathered. If you want to strive for an "advanced" level, you could also give some of your reactions to what you have found: What did you think of the book or story you read, or the author information you found? Please post your report by midnight Wednesday, October 17, 2007.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Random Sample" and "King of the Beasts"

In class you listened to the stories "Random Sample" (Oct. 8) and "The King of the Beasts" (Oct. 10), both alien stories. If you have any ideas about either of these stories that have occurred to you since we discussed them in class, please post them here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Look, You Think You've Got Troubles

On October 3 we read the story "Look, You Think You've Got Troubles" by Carol Carr. If you have further comments about the story, please post them here.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Forbidden Planet Film Review

If you chose to show your understanding of the film Forbidden Planet by writing a review, please post it here. Below are the review criteria we discussed in class. You should give a short intro/synopsis of the film, and then address at least three of the review criteria.

Film Review Criteria -- Consider the following:
Plotline: Conflict, Climax, Bizarre Twist, Suspense/Cliffhangers
Cinematography: Scene Transitions, Camera Angles
Special Effects :Lasers, Explosions, Blood, Space Ships (realistic)
Acting: Doesn’t break the fourth wall, Feel the emotions
Character Development: Relate to the character, Sexy
Costumes: Realistic and sexy
Sound and Music

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SFSSUP Progress Report #1

Please describe in detail what you have done for your group's SF Slide Show Update Project so far. First, identify which job you have done (reading stories or novels, researching authors or trends, reviewing films). Then, tell specifically what you read or watched or researched (titles, names, ideas). Furthermore, convey some of the interesting information you found. Show that you have actually gained some knowledge about SF from your work. Please post your comment no later than midnight, Wednesday, September 26, 2007.

"'Repent, Harlequin!' said the Ticktockman"

We read the Harlan Ellison story "'Repent, Harlequin!' said the Ticktockman" in class on September 19 and 21. If you have comments to add about the story, please post them here.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sales Pitch

We read the story "Sales Pitch" by Phillip K. Dick in class on September 12 and 14. If you would like to add a comment about the story, please post it here.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Post-Mortem People

We read and discussed the story "The Post-Mortem People" in class on September 5 and 7. If you did not get to contribute to discussion, or if you have further thoughts about the story, please post your comments here. Remember that the discussion focused on extrapolation and the author's purpose in creating this future world. Please post your comments by Monday, September 10, 2007.

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Pedestrian

If you have further thoughts about the Ray Bradbury story "The Pedestrian," which we read in class August 31, please comment here. Your comment should show that you were paying attention to discussion. Even more impoprtant, express your original thoughts about the story; don't just repeat what was already said in class. Please post your comments by midnight, Monday, September 3.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Science Fiction Definitions

How would you define science fiction? Write a brief explanation and mention a few of the books or films that form the basis for your definition.