If you chose to show your understanding of the film Forbidden Planet by writing a review, please post it here. Below are the review criteria we discussed in class. You should give a short intro/synopsis of the film, and then address at least three of the review criteria.
Film Review Criteria -- Consider the following:
Plotline: Conflict, Climax, Bizarre Twist, Suspense/Cliffhangers
Cinematography: Scene Transitions, Camera Angles
Special Effects :Lasers, Explosions, Blood, Space Ships (realistic)
Acting: Doesn’t break the fourth wall, Feel the emotions
Character Development: Relate to the character, Sexy
Costumes: Realistic and sexy
Sound and Music
So when Morbius woke from his dream and we later find out that his subconscious creates the monster I knew there was another movie that does this, but couldn't think of it in class. But I found out it's Sphere, also a book by Michael Crichton, where their dreams become reality after they've entered the sphere and returned.
Good call, I remember that movie ^^^^^. I will admit that when I first heard we were going to be watching a SF movie from 1956 I was a little quick to judge, but after starting it the first day I realized that the movie was actually quite entertaining and I found myself wanting to watch more and more. I think the crew did a really good job with sound/special effects with the given technology that was available back then. I also found the humor in the move to be quite enjoyable, the alcoholic cook and the "oil job" line weather that was meant to be funny or not was still great. Some other things I found out of the ordinary was the spacecraft J.J. Adam’s party came in on, it was more like a saucer rather than the traditional looking NASA shuttle. Usually when I think of a flying saucer I think of aliens but thins was different. One thing that I found to be a little unclear was why exactly the animals that Altaira seemed to be such good pals with suddenly did not recognize her as an ally. Was it because she changed her appearance in the form of what she was wearing? Or was it because she found love in a human male? In the end I’m glad we watched this movie and I hope there are more movies like it to come.
John-> I think the animals detachment from her came because of the human contact, but also the whole thing with her drifting away from her father which somehow made the animals know that she wasn't the same and couldn't be trusted.
I also thought the movie was pretty decent and hope to watch further movies in class, and Rockies games. But I think the costuming crew for the movie did well to have Alterr wear different clothes all the time so something changed since the crews was always the same.
Another things is, whatever happens to what the monster steals off their ship? If Morbius controls it, where does he take it and why isn't it brought up later?
Was the planet totally created by the subconscious or created by the kreons? Was the machine the planet itself? Like the Kreons built the machine then built the planet around it or did they just dig out the middle of the planet to build it?
The movie "Forbidden Planet" was classic science fiction. However, as far as entertaining video, it lacked in several areas.
The "Forbidden Planet's" plot line was a bit scewerd. it seemed like the first three fourth's of the movie was just stalling simply to fill time. The point trying to be made in the first three fourths of the movie easily could have been condensed to a few key scenes and then use the rest of the remaining time to fill it with something entertaining. As opposed to the movies seeming never ending scenes which often let the viewer lost and bored and certainly distracted from what was trying to be accomplished in the first place. Then, when finally all the scenes are being pieced together to form a conclusion, they throw in a mysterious super race, which had left behind the technology to create things. However, i will give credit to the conclusion, out of the entire movie, the conclusion gripped you the best, if you were to be gripped at all that is. the conclusion threw some interesting twists, that did however have to rely on the ridiculus alien super power, which conviniently showed up at the end to seemlesly solve all the road blocks created.
However, not all was bad, the acting was fairly good and some of the dialogue was kinda funny. But put that up against a shaky plot line, bad costumes, bad music and terrible graphics. I give this movie a 1.5 stars out of 4.
I think for the time that this movie was created its a masterpiece. It was smart and witty and funny and had great special effects. It immediatly grabs you and won't let go. You don't want to stop watching. The twist at the end is spectacular. Very suspensful. I think the class loved every second. Not very much blood but the lazers made up for that. Those guns were awesome. Very funny. Acting was mediocher. Not the best actors but still good and gave the audience some laughs. I agree with john, the alcoholic cook was funny and a good character to put in the story. All the characters and costumes was very sexy. The sound and music was phenomenal. I loved everything about this movie. I give this movie a 4.5 out of 5 due to poor acting. Thats all I would say needs work, other than that phenomenal movie.
-Tyler Fahlstedt
I thought the movie was decent,but it did drag on at times. I didn't know that it was a book written by Michael crichton, he is my author for the SFSSUP. I think the story line could have produced a better movie. I think a re-make is needed. They should cast Denzel as Morbius and the voice of Will Ferrel as Robbie. Then I think you would have a Blockbuster Hit. Who dosen't like movies with Denzel??
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