If you would like to add to your class discussion of the film Planet of the Apes, you can post a review of the movie here. You should address at least three of the criteria we discussed for reviewing movies (see the Forbidden Planet post for the list).
In general for the time I thought planet of the apes was a decent movie, with a strong twist at the end. When he realizes he's been on Earth all along after seeing the Statue of Liberty, the scene is still powerful and a memorable moment in SF and movie history. There are not a lot of special effects to right home about, but at the time the costumes are pretty good. The characters may not necessarily be believable but, they are still easily related to. In general if you can get past the first half hour of the movie it's enjoyable and that gives it a 3 star out of 5 from me.
I think this movie showed us a lot of what our world could be like. The apes knew what man had done to themselves and feared them. This is very possible and could happen in the near future. We could end up destroying ourselves. They try to keep the ape society unknowing of what is going on because it is a life for them. If one man can come and start to repopulate then the world the apes now know could be over with. The apes dislike humans and will probably continue doing so because of what they did in the past to destroy themselves. They seem intelligent but too intelligent for the apes to handle. The apes went back to using barely any technology but in order to protect themselves from future incidents.
A society of apes that came from man? How is that even plausible? How can an ape develop with human characteristics and traits and speak as such and obtain their primitive form of technology? Unless the humans had been doing tests on apes that would help them evolve into humans to see evolution. But besides that the movie is pretty good. The costumes aren't bad, all things considered. And it seems that older movies never have that great of opening scenes, kind of like this one didn't, but it works. And the overall plot and story is actually written very well with a great twist at the end. Music, well it's an old movie so we'll let it go.
Planet of the Apes review...
In my own opinion, I thought this was a pretty cool movie for being so old. I also like this version a lot better than the newest version of plent of the apes. I liked this movie because of a few reasons. For one, i was so facinated by how the apes think humans are beasts and how some of the apes like Dr. Zeus don't like the idea of Taylor being able to talk. Also, Dr. Zeus removes Taylor's friend's brain and tries to do the same to Taylor just so the other apes won't decover the truth about the humans, which really caught my attension. Finally, I was pretty dumbfounded when Taylor sees the Statue of Liberty in the sand and finds out that he has been on earth the whole time. In cocnclusion, I am so glad I got to watch this movie and I hope others find it just as interesting as I do.
I enjoyed the movie a lot. I thought that the make-up was actually pretty good for when it was made. I didn't understand how the apes cut out that one guy's brain so that he couldn't talk. I thought the apes were suposed to be primative, but a medical procedure like that seems complex, and they didn't kill their patient in the process. Other than that, I thought the movie was good. I saw the re-make of it four or five years ago and I think I liked the origional better, espically the ending.
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